V5ApiPrivate (1.0)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This is the private API for Tiltify. It includes endpoints that require specific oauth scopes in order to access. It can be considered as an extension to the public api, but with additional endpoints that may return sensitive information.
Authorization # Please see the public api documentation for additional authorization instructions.
Returns a code
through the applications redirect_uri
to be used with the /token
with the authorization_code
query Parameters
client_id required | string Client Id |
redirect_uri required | string Redirect URI |
response_type required | string Value: "code" Response Type |
scope | string Default: "public" Enum: "public" "cause" "webhooks:write" Scope |
Returns an access and refresh token with a provided client id, secret, and grant type. Tokens expire in 7200
query Parameters
client_id required | string Client Id |
client_secret required | string Client Secret |
grant_type required | string Default: "client_credentials" Enum: "client_credentials" "authorization_code" "refresh_token" Grant Type |
code | string Authorization Code; |
refresh_token | string Refresh Token; |
scope | string Default: "public" Enum: "public" "cause" "webhooks:write" Scope |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
- 404
- 422
{- "access_token": "ab6a592346444dea97170837e104d8a5ab6a592346444dea97170837e104d8a5",
- "created_at": "2023-01-27T19:32:03Z",
- "expires_in": 7200,
- "refresh_token": "njjjytm3otetmgrjmi00yjawlwe4zgytzjixy2mzm2y3njawcg121231999393a3",
- "scope": "public",
- "token_type": "bearer"
Activates a webhook endpoint
Requires scope:webhooks:write
This endpoint will activate a given webhook endpoint. Webhook endpoints may be deactivated if they fail to respond sucessfully to our webhooks. This endpoint can be called programatically to ensure that your webhook endpoint is enabled when your listening application starts.
path Parameters
webhook_endpoint_id required | string Webhook Endpoint ID |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 422
{- "activated_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.341179Z",
- "deactivated_at": null,
- "description": "My Webhook Endpoint for Tiltify Fundraisers.",
- "id": "ab1644f7-0a83-4e83-9cca-d56c4539d759",
- "inserted_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.341220Z",
- "status": "active",
- "updated_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.341225Z",
Deletes a Webhook Subscription
Requires scope:webhooks:write
Deletes a Webhook Subscription to a given webhook_endpoint_id and event_id. This will either delete an existing webhook subscription to the given event or return a null value if the subscription no longer exists.
path Parameters
webhook_endpoint_id required | string Webhook Endpoint ID |
event_id required | string Campaign/Team Campaign/Fundraising Event public_id |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 422
{- "event_id": "dce77fa9-fbcb-465a-9c52-d0ecfb572d35",
- "event_types": [
- "public:direct:donation_updated",
- "public:direct:fact_updated"
], - "id": "56918412-3e37-482a-a1a1-d158742facac",
- "inserted_at": "2025-02-08T20:44:25.104952Z",
- "updated_at": "2025-02-08T20:44:25.104968Z",
- "webhook_endpoint_id": "75267a40-04bb-457b-8ca4-d9df643ffde9"
Creates or Updates a Webhook Subscription
Requires scope:webhooks:write
Creates or Updates a Webhook Subscription to a given webhook_endpoint_id and event_id. This will either update an existing webhook subscription to the given event, or create a new one with the provided event types.
Event Types
Event types consist of a scope, locality, and event.
The public
scope is always available, and the private
scope is not currently available through the API.
This describes the source of the event, whether direct
to the subscribed event, or indirect
when the event occurs on one of the children of that event. For example all events under a fundraising event, or the campaigns under a team campaign.
This describes the event that is going to be send via webhook. donation_updated
will send donation events, and fact_updated
will send event updates, for example if you need to get the totals raised by a given event.
List of supported event_types:
- public:direct:auction_bid_amount_updated
- public:direct:donation_updated
- public:direct:fact_updated
- public:indirect:donation_updated
- public:indirect:fact_updated
path Parameters
webhook_endpoint_id required | string Webhook Endpoint ID |
event_id required | string Campaign/Team Campaign/Fundraising Event public_id |
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
PUT request body to update a webhook subscription
event_types required | Array of strings Items Enum: "private:direct:auction_bid_amount_updated" "private:direct:donation_updated" "private:direct:fact_updated" "private:indirect:donation_updated" "private:indirect:fact_updated" "public:direct:auction_bid_amount_updated" "public:direct:donation_updated" "public:direct:fact_updated" "public:indirect:donation_updated" "public:indirect:fact_updated" The list of event types this subscription should be subscribed to. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "event_types": [
- "public:direct:donation_updated"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 422
{- "event_id": "dce77fa9-fbcb-465a-9c52-d0ecfb572d35",
- "event_types": [
- "public:direct:donation_updated",
- "public:direct:fact_updated"
], - "id": "56918412-3e37-482a-a1a1-d158742facac",
- "inserted_at": "2025-02-08T20:44:25.104952Z",
- "updated_at": "2025-02-08T20:44:25.104968Z",
- "webhook_endpoint_id": "75267a40-04bb-457b-8ca4-d9df643ffde9"
Creates or Updates a Webhook Subscription Deprecated
Use putWebhookSubscription instead. This operation was deprecated due to a spelling error.
path Parameters
webhook_endpoint_id required | string Webhook Endpoint ID |
event_id required | string Campaign/Team Campaign/Fundraising Event public_id |
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
PUT request body to update a webhook subscription
event_types required | Array of strings Items Enum: "private:direct:auction_bid_amount_updated" "private:direct:donation_updated" "private:direct:fact_updated" "private:indirect:donation_updated" "private:indirect:fact_updated" "public:direct:auction_bid_amount_updated" "public:direct:donation_updated" "public:direct:fact_updated" "public:indirect:donation_updated" "public:indirect:fact_updated" The list of event types this subscription should be subscribed to. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "event_types": [
- "public:direct:donation_updated"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 422
{- "event_id": "dce77fa9-fbcb-465a-9c52-d0ecfb572d35",
- "event_types": [
- "public:direct:donation_updated",
- "public:direct:fact_updated"
], - "id": "56918412-3e37-482a-a1a1-d158742facac",
- "inserted_at": "2025-02-08T20:44:25.104952Z",
- "updated_at": "2025-02-08T20:44:25.104968Z",
- "webhook_endpoint_id": "75267a40-04bb-457b-8ca4-d9df643ffde9"
List Relay Keys by Webhook Relay ID
Returns Webhook Relay Keys for a Webhook Relay
path Parameters
webhook_relay_id required | string Webhook Relay ID |
query Parameters
after | string Returns records after the given cursor |
before | string Returns records before the given cursor |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 10 |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 422
{- "data": [
- {
- "client_key": "07d0f6a4742a080971e46bdbe48224f478cdf646ac7b947e48234b0602e93c05",
- "donation": {
- "amount": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": "182.32"
}, - "campaign_id": "5979191a-72b9-49b7-a7b5-d8bbf3fb62f4",
- "cause_id": "eff28541-2762-4354-830d-b5c2836a0a4f",
- "completed_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.802880Z",
- "donation_matches": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "amount": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": "182.32"
}, - "completed_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.824978Z",
- "donation_id": "94133c3e-a67d-488f-811b-319a26bbd2dc",
- "ends_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.824975Z",
- "id": "86680a2d-d601-42f0-aedf-1c649868d20e",
- "inserted_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.824951Z",
- "matched_by": "Big Donor 1",
- "pledged_amount": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": "182.32"
}, - "started_at_amount": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": "182.32"
}, - "starts_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.824971Z",
- "total_amount_raised": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": "182.32"
}, - "updated_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.824967Z"
], - "donor_comment": "Keep up the great work!",
- "donor_name": "Test Name",
- "fundraising_event_id": "c1328b3c-e2a6-4e40-a17a-4e3cc464bb15",
- "id": "eab6f0db-b460-428c-b2f7-5c57c212233f",
- "legacy_id": 490181915,
- "payment_status": "completed",
- "poll_id": "ccf03def-ab1e-4142-8c74-4524b4e3399f",
- "poll_option_id": "9b5300c0-54cc-4146-ae40-ccbb3fef6872",
- "reward_claims": [
- {
- "id": "c4fc222a-96ea-448a-a483-cdb0f6f7c382",
- "quantity": 1,
- "reward_id": "e5c58aea-9826-42fb-870e-939da6beb4f0"
], - "reward_id": "520410d5-6659-4ad6-8478-91304d5aa4fe",
- "sustained": false,
- "target_id": "3a8d0d83-2e4f-4637-8e7b-4692041ff72c",
- "team_event_id": "f61116eb-afe3-4a89-8381-f7acba6ea639"
}, - "id": "cd9e9493-3d0b-4e7e-aec7-96de5f76182b",
- "inserted_at": "2025-02-08T20:44:25.105625Z",
- "metadata": "Q3VzdG9tIE1ldGFkYXRhIFN0cmluZw==",
- "updated_at": "2025-02-08T20:44:25.105634Z",
- "webhook_relay_id": "1efba210-6d19-4bcc-ad64-9451d9ad7532"
], - "metadata": {
- "after": "bGlnaHQgwd==",
- "before": null,
- "limit": 10
Creates a new Webhook Relay Key
Requires scope:webhooks:write
Creates a new Webhook Relay Key.
path Parameters
webhook_relay_id required | string Webhook Relay ID |
Request Body schema: application/jsonoptional
POST request body to create a webhook relay key
id | string or null An Optional ID that you can use to lookup the Relay Key. If you do not pass one, we will generate an UUID for you. |
metadata | string or null An Optional string of metadata that will be associated with the relay key. Metadata will be stored, and sent to your webhook endpoint as is. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "internal_2Oycg8ksnPDz9ku2RhDuVuvEfmV",
- "metadata": "Q3VzdG9tIE1ldGFkYXRhIFN0cmluZw=="
Response samples
- 200
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 422
{- "client_key": "07d0f6a4742a080971e46bdbe48224f478cdf646ac7b947e48234b0602e93c05",
- "donation": {
- "amount": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": "182.32"
}, - "campaign_id": "5979191a-72b9-49b7-a7b5-d8bbf3fb62f4",
- "cause_id": "eff28541-2762-4354-830d-b5c2836a0a4f",
- "completed_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.802880Z",
- "donation_matches": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "amount": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": "182.32"
}, - "completed_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.824978Z",
- "donation_id": "94133c3e-a67d-488f-811b-319a26bbd2dc",
- "ends_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.824975Z",
- "id": "86680a2d-d601-42f0-aedf-1c649868d20e",
- "inserted_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.824951Z",
- "matched_by": "Big Donor 1",
- "pledged_amount": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": "182.32"
}, - "started_at_amount": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": "182.32"
}, - "starts_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.824971Z",
- "total_amount_raised": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": "182.32"
}, - "updated_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.824967Z"
], - "donor_comment": "Keep up the great work!",
- "donor_name": "Test Name",
- "fundraising_event_id": "c1328b3c-e2a6-4e40-a17a-4e3cc464bb15",
- "id": "eab6f0db-b460-428c-b2f7-5c57c212233f",
- "legacy_id": 490181915,
- "payment_status": "completed",
- "poll_id": "ccf03def-ab1e-4142-8c74-4524b4e3399f",
- "poll_option_id": "9b5300c0-54cc-4146-ae40-ccbb3fef6872",
- "reward_claims": [
- {
- "id": "c4fc222a-96ea-448a-a483-cdb0f6f7c382",
- "quantity": 1,
- "reward_id": "e5c58aea-9826-42fb-870e-939da6beb4f0"
], - "reward_id": "520410d5-6659-4ad6-8478-91304d5aa4fe",
- "sustained": false,
- "target_id": "3a8d0d83-2e4f-4637-8e7b-4692041ff72c",
- "team_event_id": "f61116eb-afe3-4a89-8381-f7acba6ea639"
}, - "id": "cd9e9493-3d0b-4e7e-aec7-96de5f76182b",
- "inserted_at": "2025-02-08T20:44:25.105625Z",
- "metadata": "Q3VzdG9tIE1ldGFkYXRhIFN0cmluZw==",
- "updated_at": "2025-02-08T20:44:25.105634Z",
- "webhook_relay_id": "1efba210-6d19-4bcc-ad64-9451d9ad7532"
Returns a Webhook Relay Key by ID
Returns a Webhook Relay Key by its ID
path Parameters
webhook_relay_id required | string Webhook Relay ID |
webhook_relay_key_id required | string Webhook Relay Key ID |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 422
{- "data": {
- "client_key": "07d0f6a4742a080971e46bdbe48224f478cdf646ac7b947e48234b0602e93c05",
- "donation": {
- "amount": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": "182.32"
}, - "campaign_id": "5979191a-72b9-49b7-a7b5-d8bbf3fb62f4",
- "cause_id": "eff28541-2762-4354-830d-b5c2836a0a4f",
- "completed_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.802880Z",
- "donation_matches": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "amount": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": "182.32"
}, - "completed_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.824978Z",
- "donation_id": "94133c3e-a67d-488f-811b-319a26bbd2dc",
- "ends_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.824975Z",
- "id": "86680a2d-d601-42f0-aedf-1c649868d20e",
- "inserted_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.824951Z",
- "matched_by": "Big Donor 1",
- "pledged_amount": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": "182.32"
}, - "started_at_amount": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": "182.32"
}, - "starts_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.824971Z",
- "total_amount_raised": {
- "currency": "USD",
- "value": "182.32"
}, - "updated_at": "2025-02-04T19:21:02.824967Z"
], - "donor_comment": "Keep up the great work!",
- "donor_name": "Test Name",
- "fundraising_event_id": "c1328b3c-e2a6-4e40-a17a-4e3cc464bb15",
- "id": "eab6f0db-b460-428c-b2f7-5c57c212233f",
- "legacy_id": 490181915,
- "payment_status": "completed",
- "poll_id": "ccf03def-ab1e-4142-8c74-4524b4e3399f",
- "poll_option_id": "9b5300c0-54cc-4146-ae40-ccbb3fef6872",
- "reward_claims": [
- {
- "id": "c4fc222a-96ea-448a-a483-cdb0f6f7c382",
- "quantity": 1,
- "reward_id": "e5c58aea-9826-42fb-870e-939da6beb4f0"
], - "reward_id": "520410d5-6659-4ad6-8478-91304d5aa4fe",
- "sustained": false,
- "target_id": "3a8d0d83-2e4f-4637-8e7b-4692041ff72c",
- "team_event_id": "f61116eb-afe3-4a89-8381-f7acba6ea639"
}, - "id": "cd9e9493-3d0b-4e7e-aec7-96de5f76182b",
- "inserted_at": "2025-02-08T20:44:25.105625Z",
- "metadata": "Q3VzdG9tIE1ldGFkYXRhIFN0cmluZw==",
- "updated_at": "2025-02-08T20:44:25.105634Z",
- "webhook_relay_id": "1efba210-6d19-4bcc-ad64-9451d9ad7532"